独家首发韩国超高颜值罕见极品HANNI,04年出生今年刚满21岁,由于妹子第一次下海素人大学在读,所以不方便提供真人照片,参考照片与本人身材相似度极高,真人绝对惊艳十足,难得的人间天菜,清秀绝伦,容色照人,星眸皓齿。她的笑容如同冬日里的暖阳将你融化,湖水般清澈的眼睛让人一见难忘,整个人由内而外洋溢着青春的气息。肤若凝脂光滑白皙,身材高挑苗条,9头身的黄金比例,双峰挺拔果冻手感,芊芊细腰毫无赘肉,翘而紧实的蜜桃臀,又长又直的漫画腿。她个性开朗大方,纯情中又带着俏皮,纯纯的GFE体验一定让您流连忘返。⚠️新人入行服务新手级别,哥哥们一定要怜香惜玉,任何暴力对待女生的不给任何理由一律永久拉黑⚠️这个妹子绝对是整个大多区现有颜值最高的女生,机会转瞬即逝,绝对是平时生活中不可企及的女神级别,约到就是赚到,价格对于她的颜值来说真的太超值了。Full GFE菜单,如有特殊服务的要求请咨询客服。⚠️不接待大尺寸⚠️
Exclusive Brand New Korea's gorgeous and rare highest quality beauty HANNI, born in 2004 only 21yrs, a college student and new to the industry. The reference photos are very similar to herself. The real person is absolutely stunning. It is a rare thing in the world, and she is extremely beautiful with a radiant appearance, starry eyes and nice teeth. Her smile melts you like the warm sun in winter, her eyes as clear as lake water are unforgettable, and her whole person is filled with the breath of youth from the inside out. She has smooth and fair skin, a tall and slender figure, the golden ratio of 9 heads to body, C-cup perky boobs that feel like jelly, a slim waist with no fat, a firm and sexy peach butt, and long and straight slim legs. She has a cheerful and generous personality, innocent yet playful, and her pure GFE experience will surely make you forget to leave. Since she is NEWBIE and inexperienced, plz treat her gentle and kindly ⚠️Anyone who play rough or violently will be BLACKLISTED FOREVER⚠️ She is definitely the most beautiful girl in GTA since and then, The opportunity is fleeting, and she is definitely at the level of a goddess that is unattainable in ordinary life, great value for such a rare stunning look. Full GFE menus. If you have other request for special service, please consult customer service. ⚠️Don't take big size⚠️
⚠️ATTENTION⚠️Any rude and violent behaviour is absolutely prohibited, otherwise we have the right to suspend the service and charge the full fee. Please respect and treat every woman well. If you exceed the time limit, you must pay the overtime fee, otherwise you will be permanently blacklisted