独家首发韩国04年新人MOON,难得的真实年轻萌系学妹,首次来加,娇俏可爱少女感十足,她有着水灵的双眸,在眼睫毛在映衬下闪闪灵动发光,樱桃小嘴,高挺的小翘鼻衬托在这可爱的脸蛋上如同锦上添花。她的甜美笑容如同暖暖的阳光轻易就将你的心融化。妹妹虽然是初次入行,落落大方和开朗活泼的性格具有十足的亲和力,她能带给你最纯粹的女友感。与她可爱面容形成反差的是她的高挑的鬼妹身材,丰满肉感的诱人曲线,香酥入魂的天然嫩波波,完美蜜桃臀,肌肤超级白皙嫩滑吹弹可破,让人爱不释手。Full gfe菜单,45分钟以上免费口爆。由于隐私保护无法提供本人照片,100%保证嫩口新鲜。⚠️无套免问⚠️
Exclusive first release of MOON, a brand new Real YOUNG innocent girl from Korea. She is just turning 21yrs, coming to Canada for the first time. She is sweet cute and full of girlishness. She has watery and charm eyes, which sparkle and shine under the eyelashes. Her juicy lips and high and small nose are like icing on the cake on this cute face. Her sweet smile is like the warm sunshine, which can easily melt your heart. Although she is new to business, she is generous and cheerful and lively. She has a very friendly personality. She can give you the purest natural girlfriend feeling. In contrast to her cute face is her sexy and plump figure like western girls, Perky and full Natural C-cup boobs, with meaty and firm peach butt, super white and smooth skin, which makes people love it. Full gfe menu, FREE CIM for more than 45 minutes. Due to the privacy issues she can’t provide real photos, but she is 100% real young and fresh. ⚠️ NO BBFS⚠️
⚠️ATTENTION⚠️Any rude and violent behaviour is absolutely prohibited, otherwise we have the right to suspend the service and charge the full fee. Please respect and treat every woman well.