★HEIGHT:    157cm
★WEIGHT:    47Kg
★MEASUREMENT:   34B-24-35 Natural
★EYE COLOR:   Black
★ETHNICITY:   Korean
★LOCATION:   North York 北约克
★SCHEDULE:   11am-11pm
★ROSE:   220/30m 280/45m 380/1hr(2s)

本店独家一手新鲜热辣韩妹Layla,绝对年轻真23岁,新人入行,首次下海。Layla有着一把飘逸的微曲长发及腰,举手投足间散发着少女版的纯真烂漫,瞬间把你带回学生时期的青葱岁月,标致的眉毛,可爱俏皮的小嘴巴,还拥有着一双韩妹特有的温柔丹凤眼。妹妹年轻活力,满满的骨胶原还可以清晰地呈现在俏皮的脸蛋上。天然吸手的B+波波,曼妙曲线的腰身加上小翘臀一定会带给你浪漫的相处时光。请各位哥哥怜香惜玉,温柔调教,妹妹一定会全力配合,令哥哥流连忘返。FULL GFE菜单,45分钟以上免费口爆,另有其他额外服务敬请咨询。
Our store exclusively has fresh and hot Korean girl Layla, absolutely young real 23yrs, a newcomer to the industry and her first time in Canada. Layla has elegant, slightly curly hair that reaches her waist. She exudes a girlish innocence in her movements, instantly taking you back to her youthful days as a student. She has beautiful eyebrows, a cute and naughty mouth, and she also has a pair of unique charm eyes. She is young and energetic, and her full collagen can be clearly displayed on her playful face. The naturally attractive B+ waves, the graceful curves of the waist and the small hips will definitely bring you a romantic time together. Please be gentle with her. She will definitely cooperate with you to make you forget to leave. FULL GFE menu, FREE CIM for more than 45 minutes, any extra menus please consult with customer service.
⚠️ATTENTION⚠️Any rude and violent behaviour is absolutely prohibited, otherwise we have the right to suspend the service and charge the full fee. Please respect and treat every woman well.